God speed vs Quick silver

God Speed

Fictional character biography

Godspeed first makes an appearance during one of Barry Allen‘s visions, claiming he would kill them all.[1]

August Heart is a colleague of Barry Allen from the Central City Police Department. Heart’s brother was murdered by a career criminal and his killer was let free due to the evidence being destroyed when Barry and his lab were struck by lightning. When August confronts the Black Hole, a group who had stolen a van containing equipment from S.T.A.R. Labs, he recognizes their symbol as the same one spray-painted near his brother’s crime scene. August is shot at but before the bullet could hit him or Barry could save him, August is struck by lightning from a Speed Force storm.

Now a speedster, August knocks out his shooter. After Barry reveals himself to be the Flash, August creates his own costume and becomes Barry’s partner, also wishing to use his powers to solve his brother’s murder. After defeating Black Hole, they witness another Speed Force storm strike more citizens, turning them into speedsters.[2] August helps Barry round up any new speedsters who use their newfound powers as criminals. The two meet Dr. Meena Dhawan, a new speedster who has helped create a Speed Force training center to help the new speedsters control their powers. When Barry and Meena return after recruiting more speedsters, they find an injured August who tells them that a new speedster called Godspeed killed the speedster criminals and took their speed.

A recovered August brings two of the recruits with him in order to storm the Speed Force storm-infused Dr. Carver. After Barry and Meena’s ‘day off’, Godspeed arrives at the training center where he is confronted by Meena. As Avery Ho, one of the speedster recruits, escapes to get the Flash, Godspeed kills Meena and two of the recruits and takes their speed.[3] When Godspeed kills Billy Parks, the main suspect in August’s brother’s murder, Barry realizes that August is Godspeed.

Barry confronts him and August reveals that he is indeed Godspeed and had given up on the justice system, deciding to become judge, jury and executioner, killing his brother’s murderer. August reveals that when he was near the speedster criminals, he could feel the Speed Force within them connecting with him. He decided to take their powers from them, resulting in their deaths and August being injured. After realizing that it was possible to siphon another speedster’s speed without killing them (evident when he, Barry, Meena and two recruits took Dr. Carver’s speed), August tried it again on Meena and the two recruits. However, it had the same results as the first time.

With his increased speed, August Heart reveals he can create a double of himself and be at two places at once, though it takes a physical toll on him. Barry uses this to his advantage and escapes. August proceeds to interrogate the other Black Hole members about his brother’s death, but kills them all when he receives no information. When the speedster recruits safely give their speed to Barry and Wally to stop Godspeed, August arrives and is able to take Avery’s speed. Barry chases after Godspeed who reveals that he will head to Iron Heights and do the one thing Barry could not, kill his enemies, including Eobard Thawne. However, the new Kid Flash (Wally West II) intervenes and helps the Flash in taking down Godspeed, who is later incarcerated in Iron Heights. It is not known whether August still maintains a connection to the Speed Force, as it was hinted that all who were hit during the Speed Force storm’s powers may be temporary. [4]

Powers and abilities[edit]

Godspeed shares the same abilities as any other speedster, this having both shown to have super speed and the ability to generate lightning as an aura or as a projectile, even having the ability to become intangible. He also has the ability to forcibly take another speedster’s speed, which is shown when he ran around a speedster (or speedsters) at extreme speed, resulting in Godspeed gaining their speed, but at the cost of injuring himself and killing the speedster(s). This occurs when the speedster(s) he takes speed from was not/were not willing to let go of their powers (as shown when Barry and Wally were able to take the speed from several speedsters safely and when Godspeed was able to take Avery’s speed without killing her).

Godspeed also has the ability to create a clone of himself by dividing the Speed Force in him. However, extended use of this clone will result in intense pain, and the copy will then destabilize, with its portion of the Speed Force returning to the original Godspeed. Like other speedsters, Godspeed can run up to 10 times the speed of light by entering the Speed Force.

Quick Silver

Fictional character biography

The first appearance of Quicksilver (top right), on the cover of X-Men #4 (March 1964).

Pietro and his twin sister, Wanda, were raised by Django and Marya Maximoff, a Roma couple. As adolescents, Pietro Django Maximoff and his sister Wanda discovered that they had peculiar talents. When Django began to steal food to feed his starving family, enraged villagers attacked the Roma camp. Using his phenomenal speed, Pietro fled from the camp with his sister. Over the next few years, Wanda and Pietro wandered Central Europe, living off the land.

The character first appears with Wanda, now called the Scarlet Witch, as a part of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The siblings were originally presented as mutants, with Pietro possessing superhuman speed and Wanda able to control probability. The pair are recruited by Magneto after he saves Wanda from a mob after she accidentally causes a house to burst into flame. Quicksilver stays with her to protect her.[8] After several confrontations with the X-Men,[9] they depart when Magneto and his lackey the Toad are abducted by the cosmic entity the Stranger.[10] They then travel back to Europe. Pietro and his sister reform and are recruited by Iron Man to the superhero team the Avengers, after they discover they are advertising for new members and want to get support for themselves.[11]

Together with the leader Captain America and former villain Hawkeye, the four become the second generation of Avengers, and are later dubbed “Cap’s Kooky Quartet”. Quicksilver first thinks he should be the leader and would sometimes quarrel with the other members. The Scarlet Witch becomes close friends with Hawkeye and both become loyal members of the team until Wanda is accidentally shot on a mission against Magneto. Quicksilver then flees from the Avengers with his wounded sister.[12] The pair accompany Magneto back to his mid-Atlantic base,[13] where he captures the X-Men[14] and Pietro skirmishes with the X-Man Cyclops.[15] The twins finally realize that Magneto is the true villain. Pietro and Wanda reappear in the title X-Men and are then kidnapped along with several other mutants by the robot Sentinels, and are subsequently freed by the X-Men.[16]

The character reappears in the title Avengers, and advises the team that Wanda has been kidnapped and taken to another dimension by the warlord Arkon.[17] After Wanda is rescued, Pietro and his sister rejoin the team. During one mission Quicksilver is wounded by a Sentinel[18] and is found by Crystal, a member of the Inhumans.[19] Crystal nurses Pietro back to health, and the pair are eventually married.[20] Pietro and Wanda also meet Robert Frank—formerly World War II hero, the Whizzer—who was present at Mount Wundagore (the birthplace of the siblings) with his wife at the time of their birth. Frank briefly joins the Avengers, believing Pietro and Wanda to be his children.[21] The Scarlet Witch also becomes romantically involved with her Avengers teammate, the Android Vision. Although Pietro initially disapproves, he eventually gives his blessing to their marriage.[22]

Cover of Avengers #16 (May 1965), featuring the debut of Quicksilver (center left) in The Avengers.

Quicksilver features with the Inhumans and Fantastic Four against the villain the Sphinx,[23] and the siblings’ origin is explored in the title Avengers when a Romani man by the name Django Maximoff, (who is soon revealed to be their biological father), kidnaps Pietro and Wanda and returns to Mount Wundagore in the country of Transia, where they were born. After a battle with the Avengers against the Elder God Chthon, the siblings learn from Bova, one of the New Men created by the High Evolutionary, that they are the children of Maximoff, and not Robert Frank.[24] Quicksilver then returns to Attilan (city of the Inhumans)[25] and is revealed to have had a daughter (Luna) with Crystal.[26]

During the limited series Vision and the Scarlet Witch, Magneto forces Bova to reveal the truth about his missing children, who are revealed to be Pietro and Wanda. After their mother Magda dies in childbirth, the children are given by the High Evolutionary to Django Maximoff to raise as his own. Pietro and Wanda reject Magneto when told.[27] His marriage to Crystal is also strained when she has an affair.[28] Crystal’s uncle Maximus the Mad uses technology to cause Quicksilver to become psychotic.[volume & issue needed] This drove him to frame the Avengers for treason as his perceptions are twisted to perceive them as having ‘betrayed’ him, forcing them to escape the government-sponsored Freedom Force, and then deal with Quicksilver’s new ‘team’ of LMD-based duplicates of the Zodiac, until the Vision convinces Pietro to stand down by showing him images of his newborn nephews.[29]

Quicksilver battles the West Coast Avengers[30] and is captured by the Inhumans and cured of his condition.[31] In an effort to repent for his actions, Pietro aids the Avengers West Coast against Magneto and the villain Immortus, who has captured Wanda.[32] Although successful, Pietro refuses to return to Crystal and joins the U.S. government-sponsored superhero team X-Factor.[33] The character and Crystal are reunited during the storyline “Bloodties” when the Avengers, X-Factor and X-Men team to stop a group of mutant terrorists who kidnap their daughter Luna, and are responsible for a civil war on the island nation of Genosha. After dealing with the threat, Quicksilver learns of Crystal’s relationship with Avenger the Black Knight[34] and leaves, also resigning from X-Factor.[35]

Quicksilver takes daughter Luna and travels to Mt. Wundergore, aiding the High Evolutionary and his Knights of Wundagore against Exodus and the Man Beast. Quicksilver uses the experimental Isotope E to augment his powers, allowing him to move at greater supersonic speeds. A future version of Pietro called “Nestor” appears and reveals that his powers are not speed but rather temporal based.[36] Quicksilver also rejoins a reformed Avengers.[37]

Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch discover their origin in Avengers #185 (July 1979).
Art by George Pérez.

With half-sister Polaris, Quicksilver spies on their father Magneto, who is now the ruler of Genosha. Quicksilver is banished when he rallies the Avengers against Magneto.[38]

House of M[edit]

Quicksilver plays a pivotal role in the limited series House of M, convincing his now mentally unstable sister Wanda to use her abilities to warp reality and create a world where mutants are in a majority and humans are the minority. Thanks to Wolverine retaining his memories, along with the mysterious Layla Miller, many of Earth’s heroes regain their memories and battle Magneto, who also remembers and realizes that Pietro is to blame for this mistake. Magneto kills Quicksilver (crushing his body with a robot Sentinel) in a rage at this perceived ‘abuse’ of his dream, although the character is resurrected and the normal reality restored when the Scarlet Witch witnesses this, telling Magneto he cares more for mutants than his own children. In retaliation the Scarlet Witch has also depowered 98% of the mutant population, which by accident includes Quicksilver.[39]

Son of M[edit]

The story continues in the limited series Son of M, with Quicksilver, desperate to regain his powers, exposing himself to the Terrigen Mist (the source of the Inhumans’ mutations and abilities) and inserts Terrigen crystals into his body—all without permission from Black Bolt. Courtesy of the Terrigen crystals, Quicksilver gains new “time jumping” powers and kidnaps his daughter Luna. Quicksilver discovers the crystals can restore mutant abilities but have an extreme effect on non-Inhuman physiology, causing several deaths.[40] Quicksilver and Crystal meet again in the direct sequel, limited series Silent War when Black Bolt demands the return of the crystals. When Crystal sees how he has mutated, she declares their marriage annulled according to Inhuman law.[41]

In the title X-Factor, the crystals are removed from Quicksilver’s body by another mutant, leaving him powerless once again.[42] Destitute and jailed for vagrancy in the one-shot X-Factor: The Quick and the Dead, Quicksilver has a series of hallucinations and inexplicably regains his super speed. Escaping jail, Quicksilver rescues an innocent and rediscovers his desire to be a hero.[43]

Mighty Avengers[edit]

Quicksilver appears in the title The Mighty Avengers and is used as a pawn by Elder God Chthon, with the character’s spirit trapped in the arcane tome called the Darkhold. The Avengers defeat Chthon, and Quicksilver’s consciousness is “downloaded” into the body of Vision, before being restored to his own body.[44] Quicksilver joins the team after learning that it is Wanda (Asgardian god Loki in disguise) who brought the team together.[45] After the events of the Secret Invasion storyline[46] the character is publicly exonerated of former crimes, with an unknown Skrull being blamed (although Henry Pym, Maximoff’s daughter Luna, and Avengers butler Jarvis are aware of the lie). Quicksilver also resumes wearing his original green costume.[47] Quicksilver loses the respect of his daughter Luna when he lies to the Inhumans and claims that many of his past actions were actually perpetrated by a Skrull impostor,[48] although Pym tolerates the lie as he feels that Quicksilver deserves a chance to redeem himself.[volume & issue needed]

Quicksilver finally learns that the person he thought was his sister is actually Loki in disguise. Enraged, he and the rest of the team travel to the Isle of Silence to set a trap for the god of mischief. After imprisoning Loki in a device designed by Hank Pym, he begins torturing the god for information about Wanda’s whereabouts. Loki offers no information about her and manages to contact Thor to beg for his help. Thor arrives and attacks Quicksilver for the way he is treating Loki. He is able to outrun the thunder god’s lightning but is eventually overpowered.[49] He is one of the Avengers who joins HerculesAmadeus Cho and their allies in an assault on Olympus Group Headquarters. He battles Amazon warrior women alongside Zeus[50] and helps a wounded Wolverine defeat the Huntsman, stabbing him through the chest with his own weapon.[51]

Quicksilver is later summoned by the Ghost using Amadeus Cho’s technology, to defend Asgard against the Thunderbolts. He single-handedly defeats Mister X who is in possession of the Spear of Odin. Mr. X isn’t able to react quickly enough despite his abilities and Quicksilver viciously beats him down with a piece of debris.[52] He is seen alongside the other Avengers against the Void-possessed Sentry in the events of Siege.[53]

Avengers: The Children’s Crusade[edit]

Quicksilver is searching for his sister in Wundagore when Magneto and the Young Avengers go to find the Scarlet Witch.[volume & issue needed] After trying to abduct his nephew Wiccan so he can assist him in finding his sister, he is stopped by his father and his other nephew, Speed.[volume & issue needed] After Wiccan suggests that maybe Magneto actually did want to make up for his past, he became angry and said, “Nephew the last time I allowed myself to believe that….. My father tried to kill me”.[volume & issue needed] Quicksilver prepares to fight his father but when debris from his rampage strikes his sister it is found that the Scarlet Witch there is actually a Doombot in disguise.[volume & issue needed] The journey takes Quicksilver and his comrades all the way to Latveria so they rescue the Scarlet Witch.[volume & issue needed] After the Scarlet Witch turns herself into the X-Men and the Avengers a fight breaks out between the two groups.[volume & issue needed] After being knocked out along with all the other Avengers and X-Men by his sister, he is finally reunited with his sister.[54]

Heroic Age[edit]

Quicksilver joins the teaching staff of Avengers Academy to teach young students how to become heroes. He does so in order to distance himself from the legacy of his father Magneto.[55] One of the new students, Finesse, figures out that his story about being abducted by Skrulls is a lie. She blackmails him into giving her “private lessons” on everything he learned during his time with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.[56] Finesse convinces Quicksilver to help her search for the Taskmaster, who might be her biological father. After arriving at what they thought was an abandoned training camp, they found it still in use and quickly captured the criminals they found there. Quicksilver returned to the mansion and encountered Tigra, who was upset because some of the students assaulted the Hood on her behalf. During a heated exchange Quicksilver managed to convince her that kicking them out of the Academy for trying to help would only turn them against becoming heroes.[57] At the new campus for the Avengers Academy (where the Faculty are offering to train other superpowered youths), Quicksilver is revealed to be mentoring Lightspeed as a teacher’s assistant.[58]

In the miniseries “Magneto: Not a Hero”, Joseph is resurrected under unknown circumstances and forms a new Brotherhood of Mutants with Astra and mutated deformed versions of BlobMastermind, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and Toad. It is soon revealed that the mutated versions of Blob, Mastermind, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Toad are clones created by Joseph.[59]

Quicksilver has joined the privately owned superhero team X-Factor.[60] When confronted during a press conference by Fatale over his actions meant to repower mutants and his lying about a Skrull having been responsible, Pietro finally admitted in public that he had been responsible and had tried to avoid facing the consequences; by doing this, he earned his daughter’s respect back, and the two reconciled.[61]

Wanda and other heroes and villains experienced a moral inversion during a clash with the Red Onslaught.[62] Quicksilver and Magneto try to talk the inverted Wanda down, but when Wanda attacks them with a curse designed to punish her blood relatives that only affects Quicksilver, Wanda realizes that Magneto is not their biological father.[63]

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch later take a trip to Counter-Earth.[64] After being tracked down and defeated by Luminous (a female who was created by the genetic material of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver), Pietro and Wanda were brought to the High Evolutionary himself. He revealed to them that they are actually the long thought deceased children of Django and Marya Maximoff, Anna and Mateo. He also told them the truth where they were not mutants at all, but they had been experimented on by the High Evolutionary. After escaping from the High Evolutionary’s experimentations, Pietro and Wanda located the Avengers Unity Division (who had traveled to the Counter-Earth looking for the twins) and helped the inhabitants of Lowtown (a refuge for the High Evolutionary’s rejects) from their creator’s assault.[65] After the High Evolutionary is defeated and he escapes into a portal with Luminous, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch return to Earth with the Avengers Unity Division.[66]

All-New, All-Different Marvel[edit]

When the second superhero Civil War began, Pietro came to ask Wanda for help, but Wanda refused, because she and Pietro disagreed on which side was right – Pietro not liking the idea of profiling people based on what they might do and Wanda feeling that thinking about the future would have prevented many of their more dangerous mistakes in the past – past precedent made Wanda feel that introducing her powers to a conflict of this nature could be more dangerous than the existing situation, and she resented Pietro still trying to tell her what to do as though she was a child, bluntly informing him that his refusal to learn from his mistakes marked him as a sociopath. Wanda reveals to him that she is seeking answers about their true biological mother, Natalya Maximoff (who gave the twins to her relatives Marya and Django to spare them from a difficult life) and asks him to join her. He refuses and the two fight, although Wanda bests Quicksilver and tells him she never wants to see him again.[67] Natalya’s spirit later summons Pietro during their final battle against a physical manifestation of Chaos. The twins reconcile after destroying the monster and Pietro is briefly able to meet his mother before she sacrifices herself to save witchcraft.[68] He has also been revealed to have fallen under the telepathic control of the Red Skull, acting as a ‘sleeper agent’ in the Avengers as part of the Skull’s current campaign.[volume & issue needed]

During the Secret Empire storyline, Quicksilver appears as a member of the Underground which is a resistance movement against Hydra, following their take over of the United States.[69] Quicksilver and Hercules lead a strike force to find the Cosmic Cube fragments so that they can use it to restore Captain America and the country to normal.[70]

Marvel Legacy[edit]

During the “Avengers: No Surrender” Storyline, Quicksilver is one of the heroes remaining in the cosmic game between Grandmaster and Challenger.[71] He is frozen because of Scarlet Witch’s attempt at reviving the frozen Vision,[72] but the process was later reversed.[73] He later uses his extreme agility and Scarlet Witch‘s powers to catch the beacon trapping his fellow Avengers, but in doing so he had pushed himself to the limit and apparently died.[74] But in the following mini-storyline of Quicksilver: No Surrender, it is revealed that he became stuck in an alternate dimension, ultimately getting himself free and returning to the Avengers.[75]

Powers and abilities[edit]

Quicksilver was originally presented as a mutant capable of moving and thinking at superhuman speeds. Originally capable of running at the speed of sound, exposure to the High Evolutionary‘s Isotope E made it possible for the character to run at supersonic speeds of up to Mach 10 and resist the effects of friction, reduced oxygen, and kinetic impact while moving at super-speeds. Also, he has a fast metabolism and can heal more rapidly than the average human. The character’s speed allows him to perform such feats as creating cyclone-strength winds and running up walls or across bodies of water. Pietro’s mind can perceive information with a photographic memory short term, becoming faster than the speed of thought, because he can shift his thoughts at a speed faster than normal thought.[volume & issue needed] Also, he can cause vibrations in his body to transfer to solid material and has superior agility and reflexes compared to other mutants.[volume & issue needed] It has been revealed that one of the reasons for his abrasive and impatient personality is that it seems to him that the rest of the world is moving in slow motion and that he is constantly waiting for it to catch up. As he once explained, “Have you ever stood in line at a banking machine behind a person who didn’t know how to use it?… Now, imagine, Doctor, that everyone you work with, everywhere you go, your entire world is filled with people who can’t work cash machines.”[76]

Quicksilver loses his powers of speed when his sister removes most of his mutant powers but gains new powers courtesy of the Inhumans’ Terrigen Mist. The mist gives Quicksilver the ability to displace himself out of mainstream time and space and “jump” into the future. The character can summon several time-displaced duplicates of himself and appear to teleport by “jumping” into the future and then returning to the present at a new location. By voluntarily embedding fragments of the Terrigen Crystals into his own body, the character could empower former mutants with extreme versions of their superhuman abilities. However, the effect was usually fatal. The crystals are subsequently forced from the character’s body by the mutant Rictor, leaving him without these abilities. After having a series of hallucinations, Quicksilver saw a woman in mortal danger and felt a desire to be a hero which made him regain his original powers in order to save the woman’s life.[77]

It was later revealed that he actually was a normal child that was put through several experiments by the High Evolutionary which granted his powers in the first place.[78]

Other versions[edit]


In the DC/Marvel crossover JLA/Avengers, Pietro first appears being brainwashed by Starro when the Avengers battle him. Thanks to a combination of Wanda’s magic and Ms. Marvel‘s powers, they manage to get Starro’s probe off of him.[79] When he and the other Avengers go to the DC Universe, he becomes interested in the Speed Force and becomes obsessed with defeating The Flash, but he fails twice. During the final battle in the Savage Land, he finally defeats the Flash, but only does so because there is no Speed Force in the Marvel Universe.[80] He makes an appearance in the final battle with Krona, but it is very brief. He also appears at the end as one of the heroes that started out the entire event.[81]

Marvel Zombies[edit]

In the limited series Marvel ZombiesEarth-2149 is contaminated with a virus that turns victims into flesh-eating zombies, with Quicksilver infected when bitten by a “zombified” Mystique (who at the time was impersonating his sister Wanda). This results in the rapid spread of the zombie virus, as Quicksilver is able to infect hundreds around the world in a short amount of time.[82] The character reappears in the limited series Marvel Zombies 3, revealed to be working for a “zombified” Wilson Fisk. Quicksilver is eventually lured into a trap by the Earth-616 Machine Man and subsequently destroyed.[83] The zombie virus spreads to a different Quicksilver in ‘Earth Z’, who is featured in the limited series Marvel Zombies Return. Here, his body is capable of operating independently of the head.[84]

Marvel Zombies Return[edit]

When the zombies from Earth-2149 cross over into Earth-Z, Quicksilver is transformed into a zombie, and in Marvel Zombies Return #5 is one of the few remaining zombies left who fought against Spider-Man and his New Avengers, attempting to steal a canister containing the ‘cure’ that Spider-Man had developed, only for the wall-crawler to accidentally pull Quicksilver’s head off when trying to catch him with his webbing. He was killed by a cyborg Iron Man.[85]

Marvel 1602[edit]

Limited series Marvel 1602 depicts Quicksilver as Petros, the assistant (and secretly, son) of the High Inquisitor of the Spanish Catholic Church, Enrique.[86]

Ultimate Marvel[edit]

Ultimate version of Quicksilver with his sister, the Scarlet Witch, on the cover of Ultimates #8 (Nov. 2002). Art by Bryan Hitch.

Ultimate Marvel features a version of the character warped by constant abuse from Magneto. The character is faster than the Earth-616 version, stating that as a teenager he was already capable of reaching speeds of Mach 10.[87]

After he and his sister, the Scarlet Witch, defected from their father’s Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy, they joined the Ultimates. The twin siblings also share an incestuous relationship. During the Ultimate X-Men‘s Magnetic North story arc, he watched over his father while he was imprisoned in the Triskelion, and threatened to kill him.[88] In The Ultimates 3, he and his sister are apparently killed; however, Quicksilver later resurfaced at the end of the Absolute Power story arc, and killed Moira MacTaggert.[89]

In Ultimatum #5, Quicksilver assassinated Cyclops as he is giving a speech at Washington, D.C., using the same bullet that was used to murder the Scarlet Witch.[90]

Following the deaths of major characters of the X-Men and the Brotherhood, Pietro began to search for new Brotherhood team members. Mystique, Sabretooth and Teddy (the son of Blob) joined him in Wundagore, along with an apparently reborn Wanda.[91]

Following his sister’s orders, Quicksilver tried to help the White House, only resulting in the death of many mutants at the hands of Nimrod Model Sentinels, which were controlled by the Reverend Stryker before his death. When Pietro arrived in Egypt, he met his father, Erik, completely alive.[92] However, this was revealed to be an illusion from Sinister.[93] He attempts to manipulate his younger half-brother, Jimmy Hudson, but is defeated.[94]

Later, he helps Reed Richards assemble some of the Infinity Gems and joins his team of Dark Ultimates.[95] Quicksilver is fatally wounded after he turns against Richards and Kang, and chooses to die by Wanda’s graveside.[96]

Pietro later appeared to have been somehow brought back to life. He witnessed an instance of the cosmic phenomenon known as an incursion, the one which caused a collision between the planet Earth of his universe and that of an alternate reality, Earth-616, that resulted in the destruction of both universes.[volume & issue needed]

When the Multiverse was eventually rebuilt, Quicksilver and the other foreign mutants, namely Jimmy, Nomi Blume aka Mach Two, Derek Morgan aka Guardian and Hisako Ichiki aka Armor, were abducted by super-villain geneticist Miss Sinister, who brainwashed and turned them into her personal enforcers, the New Marauders. When Jimmy’s natural resistance to telepathy allowed him to break free from Miss Sinister’s control and he went rogue, the New Marauders were deployed to retrieve him. In the process, they confronted the Time-Displaced Original X-Men, who had tracked down Jimmy after he was detected by Cerebro.[97] Following a brief confrontation against the X-Men and Jimmy, during which Marvel Girl learned of Miss Sinister’s involvement, the New Marauders were ordered by their superior to leave.[98]

What If?[edit]

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch appear in the What If? story “What If the X-Men Died on their First Mission?” as allies of Beast following the demise of the X-Men and upon the menace by Count Nefaria and his Ani-Men. Although invited to join the newly formed team upon the success of their mission, both decline in favor of their current commitments, although they promise their aid if they are needed.[99]

X-Men Noir[edit]

In the one-shot X-Men Noir, Peter Magnus is a former college track star, and works in the Homicide Department of the NYPD with his father: Eric Magnus, Chief Detective and the leader of The Brotherhood.[100]

In other media[edit]


  • Quicksilver appeared as a part of the Avengers in a few episodes of the Captain America portion of The Marvel Super Heroes in 1966, voiced by Len Carlson.[101]
  • Quicksilver guest-stars in three episodes of X-Men, voiced by Adrian Egan.
  • Quicksilver is a recurring character in the animated series X-Men: Evolution, voiced by Richard Ian Cox.
  • Quicksilver appears as a member/leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants in the animated series Wolverine and the X-Men, voiced by Mark Hildreth. He appears in the episodes “Hindsight” Pt. 2, “Timebomb”, “Past Discretions”, “Battle Lines”, “Backlash”, and the three-part series finale “Foresight”.
  • Quicksilver is featured in The Super Hero Squad Show episode “Hexed, Vexed, and Perplexed”, voiced by Scott Menville.


Evan Peters (right) as Quicksilver in the 2014 film X-Men: Days of Future Past

Aaron Taylor-Johnson (left) and Elizabeth Olsen (right) as Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in the 2015 film Avengers: Age of Ultron

Marvel licensed the filming rights of the X-Men and related concepts, such as mutants, to 20th Century Fox. Fox created a film series based on the franchise. Years later, Marvel started their own film franchise, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, focused on characters that they had not licensed to other studios, such as the Avengers. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were part of a dispute between the two studios. Fox would claim the rights over them because they were both mutants and children of Magneto, the villain of most of their films, while Marvel would also claim those rights because the editorial history of the characters in comic books is more associated with the Avengers rather than the X-Men. The studios came to an agreement allowing both to use the characters, with the condition that they cannot make reference to the other studio’s properties. The Fox films cannot mention them as members of the Avengers, while the Marvel films cannot mention them as mutants or children of Magneto.[102]

  • Quicksilver appears in the films X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) and Dark Phoenix (2019), played by Evan Peters.[103][104][105][106] In Days of Future Past, Quicksilver is an American teenager, thus his name is Americanized to be Peter Maximoff rather than Pietro. Revealed to be an acquaintance of Wolverine‘s in the future, he is enlisted by Wolverine, Xavier, and Beast to break Magneto out of prison. Director Bryan Singer shot all of Quicksilver’s scenes in 3,600 frames per second.[107][108] Returning in Apocalypse, Quicksilver takes on a much larger narrative role,[109] rescuing almost the entire student body of the Xavier School single-handedly from an explosion caused when Havok accidentally destroys the X-Jet with a blast aimed at Apocalypse. He goes on to participate in the final battle with Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac) before joining the newly reformed X-Men. In Apocalypse, Quicksilver has learned that Magneto is his father, but chooses not to tell him. He also makes a brief cameo appearance in Deadpool 2 (2018), along with other team members from Apocalypse.[110]
  • Aaron Taylor-Johnson signed on to play Quicksilver in the 2015 film Avengers: Age of Ultron,[111][112] and first appeared as the character in a mid-credits scene of the 2014 film Captain America: The Winter Soldier.[113] In Age of Ultron, Pietro Maximoff and his sister Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) are volunteers of Hydra, both acquiring superhuman powers after volunteering to be experimented upon.[114] Harboring a lifelong hatred for American arms manufacturer Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), whose bombs killed their parents, they side with Ultron (James Spader) against the Avengers, before later switching sides. In the final conflict with Ultron, Quicksilver dies a hero’s death saving the lives of Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and a small child. Despite Taylor-Johnson signing a multi-picture deal,[115] producer Kevin Feige has stated that there are no plans for Quicksilver to appear in future Marvel Studios films.[116]

Video games[edit]

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